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5 Simple Tips To Increase Height After 21 Years Of Age

5 Simple Tips To Increase Height After 21 Years Of Age

There’s no denying that height plays an integral role in our overall personality. A long, slender height boosts self-confidence while making you stand out from the crowd. But what if you don’t grow to your maximum potential? Is there any way to increase height? Does Ayurvedic formulas, like Long Looks Capsule, actually work?

Continue scrolling the page to get all your answers. While there’s no scientific evidence that you can grow after 21 years of age, there are some tips and tricks that may support your overall body growth. So, without delaying any further, scroll down the page and find out the five simple tips here. 

Is it Possible to Increase Height After 21 Years?

People generally stop growing taller after puberty, which means that they are unlikely to increase their height as adults. However, certain things may contribute to height growth, such as diet and an active lifestyle. 

But be mindful that height is mainly determined by genetics, and growth hormones are restricted after puberty, so height growth after 21 years of age is quite difficult. But you can still use some ways that make you look taller while optimizing your growth potential. However, you should remember that you cannot add extra inches to your height overnight, and therefore, you should religiously follow the tips and tricks to achieve results. 

5 Simple Ways to Increase Height As An Adult

Wondering how to increase height? Although a person cannot add inches to his stature after the growth plates in the bones have closed, there are still some ways to appear taller than usual. Following are some easy methods to support your overall growth process. 

1. Practice Good Posture


It’s no secret that your posture affects your overall appearance. Not only your height, a good posture also helps prevent the neck and back pain that often accompanies slouching. A person should keep his shoulders back and place the feet shoulder-width apart. 

Maintaining good posture helps keep the proper space between the vertebrae, thus making you appear taller than usual. On the other hand, poor posture may make you look shorter than you actually are. And over time, it causes slumping or slouching, which affects your actual height. So, be mindful of how you stand, sit, and sleep to avoid any negative effects.

2. Take Height Growth Supplements


In addition to practicing a good posture, one can use Ayurvedic supplements, like Long Looks Capsule, to promote overall body growth and development. This supplement comprises herbal extracts, like Ashwagandha and Somlata, that help you add a few inches to your stature. 

However, you should remember that this height increase medicine won’t work overnight and you should be consistent with them. Consume them according to the expert advice and pair them with balanced diet and active lifestyle to achieve better results.

3. Eat a Balanced Diet


It’s crucial to get all the nutrients your body needs. Your food directly affects your overall body growth and health, so be mindful to incorporate a healthy diet into your routine so you can add all essential nutrients to your body. 

Your diet should include fresh fruits, vegetables, whole grains, proteins, dairy, and more. Also, one shouldn’t consume sugar, trans fats, and saturated fats. 

4. Stay Active


Regular exercise has plenty of benefits. It not only strengthens your muscles and bones, but also helps you maintain moderate weight. Whether an adult or a child, you must include at least one hour of exercise in your routine. Focus on strength-building exercises, flexibility exercises, and aerobic activities. 

Exercising regularly also helps maintain your overall health. It also reduces the risk of osteoporosis. It makes your bones strong and healthy, thus eliminating the risk of bone density loss.  

5. Sleep Properly


Besides, you must get a regular sleep of at least 8 hours to promote your overall growth. It’s always said that your body releases growth hormones during sleep, so don’t mess up with your sleep routine and take proper rest. 

However, you should be mindful that sleeping won’t directly promote height increase, but it helps your body to release HDH hormones, which further influence your body growth. 

Summing Up


In most cases, it’s challenging to increase height after 21 years of age, as your growth hormones and plates are closed at this time. But you still can follow some methods to make you appear taller and avoid slumping or slouching. Also, you can add height growth medicine, like Long Looks Capsule, to your routine to support your body growth and development. 


1. What factors slow your height growth?

Some possible factors that can slow growth are inadequate nutrition, stress, poor bone health, environmental factors, and other health conditions. 

2. Which yoga poses prompt height growth?

The popular yoga poses to improve your posture are Mountain Pose, Cobra Pose, Warrior II Post, etc. 

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