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5 Ways to Naturally Restore Your Vaginal pH Balance

5 Ways to Naturally Restore Your Vaginal pH Balance

Most women experience vaginal pH imbalance at least once in their lives. But thankfully, this problem is temporary, and you can easily maintain your vaginal pH balance using natural ways and remedies. 

Keeping the vaginal pH balance up to the mark is essential; otherwise, it can cause infections and allows bacteria and yeast to thrive. So, wait no further, and use the 5 natural ways to restore your vagina’s pH balance. Scroll down and have a closer look.

What is the Normal Vaginal pH Level?

Before we move further to naturally restore your pH balance, it’s mandatory to know the normal pH range to avoid any fuss later on. 

The normal vaginal pH is between 3.8 and 5. Female vaginas are acidic in nature to maintain the balance of good and bad bacteria. But be mindful that normal vaginal pH levels may vary by age. A reproductive woman has a normal pH range between 4.0 to 4.5.

So, keep in check your vaginal pH range and take the necessary measures to maintain its actual range. 

5 Simple Ways to Restore Your Vaginal pH Balance

Here’s a quick rundown of ways that help you restore your vaginal pH balance. Follow these methods and reduce pH levels in the least possible time. 

1. Avoid Harsh Soaps and Douching

Soaps typically have high pH values; hence, it’s advised never to use harsh soaps when cleaning your vaginas. Most importantly, our vagina has a self-cleaning mechanism, so there’s no need to change or douche it. Just wash it with warm water, and it’s done. 

If you still want to use any cleanser, then invest in natural products and buy VG wash to clean the vulva gently. This vaginal wash helps maintain your vaginal pH balance without causing any side effects. 

2. Avoid Scented Hygiene Products

Another thing that you should take care of when maintaining your vaginal pH balance is to avoid scented or perfumed hygiene products. Be it sprays, bubble baths, or scented pads, all of them enhance the risk of infections, which further impacts your vaginal pH balance. 

3. Practice Personal Hygiene

Intimate hygiene is one of the most overlooked things as of now. While females take care of their bodies and hair, they often forget about their lady bit. So, practice intimate hygiene and keep your vagina clean and healthy. 

Wash the area regularly, especially after urinating or having intercourse, to flush out the toxins. Clean it with a washcloth to keep it clean and fresh. It’s better to use organic tampons made without bleaching chemicals or prefer panty liners to keep your vaginal pH balance in check. 

In addition, keep changing tampons or pads during menstruation and avoid bacteria to interfere with your vaginal pH. 

4. Add Probiotic to Your Diet

We are what we eat - and this fact holds when it comes to vaginal health. The intake of probiotics can help relieve indigestion and reduce the risk of vaginal infections. Probiotics help maintain the balance of damaged microflora and prevent vaginal infections. 

A study revealed that women who take probiotics daily are at a lower risk of developing BV and other such vaginal infections than women who don’t. So, focus on your diet and consume healthy and well-balanced meals to restore your pH balance. 

5. Practice Safe Intercourse

Yes, you read it right. Physical relations with your partner can affect your vaginal pH balance; hence, it’s advised to take necessary measures and practice safe sex to keep such problems at bay. 

Be mindful that male semen is alkaline, and therefore, it can disrupt the vagina’s natural pH balance during intercourse. So, you should either take any form of protection or flush it out immediately after completing the physical activity. Always wash your vagina after having intercourse to keep your lady bit clean and healthy. 

Summing Up

Maintaining Vaginal pH Balance up to the mark is mandatory to avoid developing any vaginal infection or uncomfortable symptoms. Try these aforementioned methods and keep such things at bay. Natural remedies and intimate hygiene can help restore your vaginal pH naturally. If these solutions don’t restore your pH balance, visit the healthcare provider immediately to get medical help. 


1. What are the major symptoms of vaginal pH imbalance?

The common symptoms of vaginal pH imbalance are itching around the vulva, a burning sensation, a heavier lumpy vaginal discharge, and an unpleasant smell or fishy odor. 

2. What disrupts vaginal pH balance?

Douching, Tight or Damp clothing, Antibiotics, unprotected sex, menstruation, and Infections trigger vaginal pH imbalance. 

3. What’s the typical postmenopausal vaginal pH range?

The normal pH range for those who are postmenopausal is higher than 4.5. 

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