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Common Myths About a Loose Vagina

Common Myths About a Loose Vagina

For the longest time, the myths surrounding a loose vagina or vaginal laxity haven’t only gone unchecked but become a marker of how women are treated. Everything about the vagina has been spoken in hushed tones, leading to a rise in so much confusion and misbelief. 

While some of them are harmless, others can force you to believe that your lady part needs to look and feel a certain way. And it can simply rob your peace of mind and affect your self-confidence. So, it’s mandatory not to get trapped in such baseless delusions. Here’s a quick lowdown of 4 common myths about a loose vagina that you must stop believing. 

Is there something like a “Loose” Vagina?

Before we burst into common myths about “loose vagina”, let’s elaborate on how much accurate this term actually is. First of all, you should be mindful that there’s nothing like a “Loose” vagina. This female body part is elastic and meant to stretch. A vagina can become slightly loose after childbirth but will snap back to its shape (although not completely). 

The vagina can stretch to accommodate things coming in or going out. It’s all about the muscles expanding and retracting like a rubber band. Your vagina changes with time due to hormonal fluctuations, age, and childbirth, but it won’t strip off its elasticity permanently. 

But if it’s impacting your intimate life, you should consider trying Kegal exercises regularly to help strengthen your pelvic floor muscles. These exercises also help control urinary incontinence and other pelvic floor problems. In addition, you can also turn to natural and safe V-tightening tablets like VG-3 and feel more confident. 

These tablets are free from harmful chemicals and synthetic ingredients, thus producing no known side effects. Team up these tablets with a nutrition-rich diet and Kegals to help improve your overall intimate health. 

The Common Loose Vagina Myths We Need to Set Straight

The vagina has always been looked at as something inappropriate to discuss since the dawn of time. This leads to a lack of awareness and gives rise to misinformation. And because women have a tough time asking their most personal questions without cringing, these myths continue to float around. 

So, without further ado, let’s debunk some common misconceptions and normalize the spread of fact-based information about vaginas. 

Myth 1: The more you engage in intercourse, the looser your vagina gets

Many myths surround the effects of penetrative sex on the female body. However, there’s no evidence that intercourse causes a loosening of the vagina over time. 

The vagina is a tightly folded muscle that can expand to accommodate things coming in and contract when resting. 

For example, when a female is aroused, these muscles relax to facilitate intercourse and snap back to their resting state, much like an elastic rubber band.  While your lady part is temporarily more open during and after sex, it returns to its usual shape and tension. 

So, no matter how often you indulge in sexual activity, it won’t cause your vagina to stretch or lose permanently. 

Myth 2: A woman may feel less sensation after childbirth

Yet another gigantic myth about a loose vagina is that women may feel less sensation or arousal after giving childbirth. However, that’s not the case. Since vaginal shape or elasticity changes after normal delivery, it might lead to less sensation or satisfaction during intercourse. But it is temporary, and these feelings usually return in time. 

Also, changes to the body are usually more not noticeable for women who become pregnant after the age of 30. Younger women may find their bodies return to the pre-pregnancy state more quickly. 

Vaginal Childbirth can temporarily stretch vaginas, but they settle back after about six months or so. However, you should remember that the later a woman undergoes normal or vaginal childbirth, the higher the chances of affecting pelvic floor muscles. 

Myth 3: Your Vagina require fancy cleaning products

Vaginas are over-rated, and people often think this lady part requires fancy products and treatments to look clean and hygienic. However, that’s not true at all. A vagina uses a self-cleaning mechanism. It cleans itself naturally and balances bacteria for appropriate functioning. 

Hence, no douching is required to clean this intimate body part thoroughly; otherwise, it can cause more damage than good and strip away natural, healthy bacteria. Simply wash your vulva gently with clean water, and consider the job done. 

Myth 4: Loose Vagina lack orgasm

People intent on shaming women use vaginal tightness as a barometer of a female’s worth as a potential partner. Pushing the narrative that a tight vagina is the major indicator of satisfactory intercourse has ruined many people’s sex lives. And hence, this myth needs to be debunked now. 

The truth is that sexual pleasure doesn’t get affected by how tight or loose your vagina is. It’s all about the matter of foreplay, relaxation, consent, communication, and trust. 

Summing Up

That’s all about some ridiculous myths about a loose vagina that needs to disappear as soon as possible. The vagina is a muscular canal, and it’s prone to changes brought on by hormonal fluctuations and age. So, cut this load of crap and embrace your vaginas without feeling shameful or embarrassed. 

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