How to Tighten a Loose Vagina After Childbirth

How to Tighten a Loose Vagina After Childbirth

Posted by Sachin Sinhmar on

While the journey of pregnancy and childbirth is a fantastic experience, it can also take a toll on a woman’s body. Natural delivery can loosen the genital passage, further affecting post-birth intimacy and confidence. A loose vagina is a serious concern in every woman’s life. 

But instead of fretting over what causes a loose vagina, why not follow some tips and tricks that can help to keep your vaginal muscles tighter. This guide explores various options that can help restore vaginal tightness, from simple exercises to v-tightening pills. So, if you are a new mom wondering how to regain your sexual confidence, read the guide and find some practical ways to support the vaginal tightening process. 

Is it Possible to Tight a Loose Vagina After Birth?

Your body changes dramatically during and after pregnancy. Once you’ve given birth, it’s natural to wonder if your genital passage will have changed and if it will ever be the same again. And thankfully, these changes aren’t permanent, and your vagina will eventually return to its former self. 

It’s natural for the vagina to change after a natural delivery. After all, your vaginal muscles have stretched significantly to let the baby pass through the birth canal. So, if things feel looser down there, that’s completely normal. 

The good part? The vagina not only can expand but also has the capacity to contract. You can use various methods that may help restore your vagina’s natural stretch, such as kegel exercises, vaginal rejuvenation procedures, and more. These can help improve muscle tone and strengthen the pelvic floor muscles. 

The Easy Tips to Help Tighten Vagina After Natural Delivery

Getting your vagina back into shape isn’t as challenging as it may sound. While your body has undergone so many changes during and after pregnancy, there are still ways to reverse these changes and get your pre-baby body back. 

To reassure new mums, we’ve listed the best tips and tricks to help tighten their loose genital passage. While these methods may not guarantee a complete reversal of vaginal looseness, they can help strengthen vaginal floor muscles. 

  • Kegel Exercises
  • Kegels are the best way to tone your pelvic floor muscles, and it’s best to start doing them during pregnancy. The best part about Kegel exercises is that you can do them whenever and wherever you want. 

    However, it’s crucial to identify the pelvic floor muscles before you jumpstart Kegel exercises. To do so, stop midstream while you are peeing. Once you’ve figured out the right muscles, pick a position for your exercises, like lying on the back. 

    Try tightening the pelvic floor muscles and holding the contraction for over five seconds. Then, relax for the next five seconds. Repeat the exercise a minimum of 5 times consecutively for the desired result. Once you build strength, increase the contraction to 10 seconds. 

    Also, you must concentrate on the contraction of pelvic floor muscles. Try not to tighten your abs, thighs, or butt during Kegels. 

  • Yoga 
  • Including yoga in your daily routine can help restore the tightness of vaginal muscles. It also helps in managing urine incontinence and makes physical intimacy more pleasurable.

    While adding yoga to your routine, incorporate poses that specifically target the pelvic area, such as Bridge, Happy Baby, Warrior II, Locust, Triangle, Garland, and many others. 

    The more you hold these postures, the more your pelvic region will fire up, eventually supporting vaginal tightening. The secret of these vaginal tightening yoga postures lies in their movement. Hence, you should start doing these workarounds after completely recovering post your pregnancy. 

  • Vaginal Tightening Pills
  • In addition to Kegels and yoga, new mums can opt for vaginal tightening pills to support the process. These pills often comprise the goodness of Ayurvedic and herbal ingredients. 

    However, not all vagina tightening pills are worth purchasing, and you should only go for the one that passes regular testing, such as VG-3. These pills work for women of all ages and help tighten the loose genital passage. 

    Also, you should remember that V-tightening pills alone cannot do wonders. You must accompany them with Kegels, effective yoga postures, an active lifestyle, and a healthy, well-balanced diet for better outcomes. 

    Summing Up

    Since vaginal changes after childbirth are not permanent, you can leverage these effective methods to support the v-tightening process. Opting for regular exercises to strengthen pelvic floor muscles can greatly help restore vaginal elasticity. 

    However, the process takes time, and your vagina won’t snap back to its original form overnight. Hence, be calm and follow these methods wholeheartedly to get the desired result. 

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