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How to Tighten Vagina Without Surgery?

How to Tighten Vagina Without Surgery?

A woman’s body changes with time, and it’s just part and parcel of the natural aging process. However, some changes, like a loose vagina, can seriously impact our emotional well-being and even creep into our love lives. 

Thousands of women seek surgical vaginoplasty every year to spark their love life and rejuvenate their lady parts. But it’s undeniable that not everyone can afford the hefty price tag of this surgery or prefer going under knives. And thankfully, there are non-surgical options for those looking for less invasive ways for vaginal rejuvenation. So, get ready to take notes. 

How Could Vaginal Laxity Affect Women?

Vaginal Laxity refers to a condition when you start feeling a bit looser down there. It occurs most often after vaginal childbirth or owing to low estrogen levels. While a loose vagina can impact your sexual function to some extent, this condition also has some biological impacts that may affect your day-to-day life. 

Vaginal Laxity makes it hard to hold your bladder, especially when coughing or sneezing. In addition, it leads to painful or uncomfortable intercourse, especially without the appropriate lubrication. 

But perhaps the most significant impact of vaginal laxity is unsatisfactory penetration. It’s common for women suffering from vaginal laxity to struggle with poor self-esteem, disturbed married life, and low sexual confidence. 

There’s no second thought that a tight vagina can intensify pleasure for both partners. But since the woman’s vagina is elastic, it is prone to changes with time. Fortunately, you don’t have to live with this condition for your whole life. Several non-surgical methods may help you regain your sexual confidence while maintaining overall intimate well-being. 

The Non-Surgical Ways to Improve Your Vaginal Elasticity

Let’s dive into some effective and practical non-surgical methods to help regain the shape of your lady bits efficiently. Scroll through them and get ready to feel more confident during intimate moments. 

  • Pelvic Floor Exercises
  • Your pelvic floor is a group of muscles supporting your uterus, bladder, and bowel. These muscles often get weakened with the trauma of childbirth. Hence, it’s often suggested to include pelvic floor exercises in your routine and start rehabilitating them. 

    These exercises are effective and help you restore some of the functions you may lose during vaginal delivery. In addition to improving your vaginal well-being, they help maintain continence and strengthen your pelvic floor. 

    The health of the pelvic floor muscles has a significant impact on your vaginal walls. Regaining pelvic floor muscle strength might aid in toning muscles down there and help you restore youthful vitality. 

    Some pelvic floor exercises that may prove beneficial are listed here. 

  • Pelvic Stretching
  • The easiest way to do a pelvic stretch is to sit on the edge of a chair, spread your legs and bend towards your ankles while spreading your arms out. When doing pelvic stretching, your pelvic region should be stretched inwards for the desired outcome. 

  • Legs Up
  • You don’t have to purchase special equipment to perform pelvic floor exercises, as some can be done in the comfort of your bed. Lay flat with the back on the bed. Tense the abdominal muscles and lift your legs slowly, one after the other, toward the ceiling. Remain in this position for a few seconds and repeat it at least three times to maximize its impact. 

  • Pelvic Tilt Exercise
  • Pelvic Tilt is one of the effective ways to help strengthen your pelvic floor muscles. Stand with your shoulders and back against the floor. Pull your belly button toward your spine. Tighten for a minimum of four seconds and then release the belly button. Repeat ten times and help strengthen your pelvic muscles. 

  • Stick to a healthy diet
  • Although having a well-balanced diet cannot directly tighten your vaginal walls, it may help keep your lady bits healthy. Eating probiotics can help strike a perfect balance between good and bad bacteria. Including green tea in your diet can help reduce the risk of overgrowth of bad bacteria, thus helping maintain your intimate health. 

    In addition to a healthy diet, women must include herbal supplements, such as VG-3 tablets, to help you feel youthful and confident. It combines herbs and other ingredients to help improve your vaginal well-being. However, these supplements alone cannot do the trick, and you should accompany them with a nutritious diet and regular exercise for a better outcome. 


    Summing Up

    At last, your mental and emotional well-being is all that matters. Hence, nothing is wrong as long as you are comfortable and happy with your vagina. But if you suffer physical and emotional trauma due to vaginal laxity, consider following these non-surgical solutions. However, be mindful that food and exercise cannot show the result overnight, and you have to be calm and patient when following this regime.

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