How to Maintain the PH Levels of the Vagina?

How to Maintain the PH Levels of the Vagina?

Posted by daya shankar on

Do you experience any burning sensation when urinating? Are you suffering from vaginal itching? Or do you smell any unpleasant odor from your lady bits? If so, then it might be possible that your vaginal pH is off track. 

Vaginal pH is moderately acidic, ranging usually between 3.8 and 4.5. However, these levels may vary depending on your age and health. This acidic pH level aids in defending your vagina against several harmful bacteria, fungi, or parasites. Here, we’ll discuss more normal vaginal pH levels and some effective remedies to restore them. 

What Causes Unbalanced Vaginal pH?

Maintaining the pH balance of the vagina is mandatory for your intimate wellness. The normal vaginal pH is between 3.8 to 4.5 and helps keep fungal and bacterial infections at bay. However, several conditions can affect the pH balance, thus causing itchiness, fishy odor, and a burning sensation down there. 

A high vaginal pH level provides the perfect environment for unhealthy bacteria to grow, putting you at risk of various infections. Scroll down and discover common triggers that can raise your vaginal pH levels. 

  • Douching
  • A vagina has a self-cleaning mechanism; hence, it doesn’t require douching until and unless recommended by a doctor. Douching may wash out good bacteria, further affecting the vaginal pH balance and making it susceptible to infections. 

  • Bacterial Vaginosis
  • The presence of too many bacteria inside the vagina leads to Bacterial Vaginosis. This medical condition modifies the pH level of your intimate area while causing itching, burning sensation, and pain. 

    Also read: How to Stop Vaginal Itching: Causes and Treatment

  • Menopause
  • Unbalanced Vaginal pH levels may indicate your menopause status. Postmenopausal females may have a slightly higher pH level than those of reproductive age. Low estrogen levels also imbalance vaginal pH levels. 

  • Presence of menstrual blood and semen
  • Menstrual blood has a higher pH than the vaginal environment; hence, women may experience high vaginal pH when menstruating. Similarly, semen is basic in nature and may temporarily increase the pH of your lady bits. 

  • Antibiotics
  • Antibiotics are often used to kill harmful bacteria, but these medications can sometimes affect good bacteria, thus affecting vaginal pH levels. 

    The 5 Effective Methods to Restore Vaginal pH Levels

    It’s normal to be extra concerned about your vaginal health. The vagina is a woman's most sensitive body part and has a slightly acidic pH. Its acidic nature is a natural barrier to microbial growth and protects your vagina from infections. 

    Hence, if you are experiencing discomfort down there due to increased pH levels, then fret not, as there are multiple ways to deal with such complications. This guide has outlined the 5 practical solutions to help restore the vaginal pH balance. 

  • Add more probiotics to your diet
  • The abundance of good bacteria, lactobacilli, in the vagina helps fight off infections, keeping your vaginal pH balanced. This bacteria can be found in probiotic supplements and naturally occurs in a number of fermented foods. 

    You can take lactobacilli orally, intravaginally, or through probiotic foods like yogurt, kimchi, kefir, or sauerkraut. Adding more probiotics to your diet can help restore the good bacteria you need and keep infections at bay. 

    If you are on antibiotics or are prone to vaginal infections, it’s best to use a vaginal probiotic to help improve your intimate wellness. 

  • Maintain proper hygiene
  • The best way to ensure a healthy vaginal pH balance is to maintain proper hygiene. Always wipe yourself properly after urinating. Doing so prevents the harmful bacteria that may be present around the anus from coming in contact with the vagina. Urinating after sexual intercourse helps release unwanted bacteria and keeps you safe from infections that can disrupt the pH level of your intimate area. 

    Also read: How to Maintain Intimate Hygiene During Your Period

    Wash your vulva with lukewarm water every day. Females should avoid using hard soaps and turn to clean and paraben-free solutions, such as Vg-Wash - Intimate wash for women, to help maintain their vaginal pH levels. This intimate hygiene wash contains abundant minerals, amino acids, vitamins, and antioxidants and is free from parabens and alcohol. 

  • Say NO to sugary foods
  • Do you know your favorite sugary foods can affect your vaginal health? Eating sugary items, including candies, sweets, desserts, and cakes, can promote yeast growth down there, thus increasing vaginal pH levels. Hence, reduce sugar consumption and avoid processed and fried food to maintain a good pH balance. 

  • Wear an appropriate clothing
  • You might be unaware that your inappropriate undergarments can raise the vaginal pH balance. Hence, wearing underwear made from natural, breathable, and absorbent fabrics, like cotton, is vital. 

    Always wash your undergarments with a hypoallergenic detergent, and prefer taking off your underwear at night to prevent moisture buildup. 

  • Quit Smoking
  • Smoking has been linked with an increased risk of vaginal infections and other issues. Hence, you are at high risk of catching such infections if you smoke frequently. It increases the number of bad bacteria and causes a lack of lactobacilli in your vagina. Therefore, you should cut back or quit smoking permanently to maintain your vaginal health.

    Summing Up

    Keeping your vaginal pH balanced is the key to a healthy vagina. Be mindful of practicing appropriate vaginal hygiene and consume probiotics and a well-balanced diet to help restore the pH balance of your vagina. If the problem persists, consult the doctor and seek medical assistance to manage this annoying condition. 

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